Highest standards
Making a statement with certifications
We value the highest quality, transparency and sustainability. With certifications from independent bodies, we want to gain the trust of customers and partners in our products and services.
The continuous review of our business processes is crucial to ensure error-free results.
In order to fully meet the needs of our customers and at the same time ensure product integrity and service quality, we are committed to aligning and continuously developing our quality assurance system in accordance with EN ISO 9001. Specific quality indicators have been defined in all relevant departments and recorded in corresponding documents. The regular review of these indicators and their transparent communication in all areas of the company are central elements of our quality policy.
We are aware of our ecological responsibility and align our business activities accordingly.
In all our activities, we attach great importance to the careful and efficient use of resources. Compliance with all environmentally relevant laws and regulations is binding for us. We strive to avoid or reduce waste as much as possible. In addition, we actively involve our customers and suppliers in our environmental management and provide authorities and the public with transparent information about our measures.
AST Eis- und Solartechnik GmbH consistently pursues the goal of continuously improving environmental performance and keeping the ecological footprint as small as possible. Below we report on the environmental goals achieved in the 2022 and 2023 financial years.
Our special thanks go to our committed employees who have made a significant contribution to achieving these results.
CO2-neutral operation of our ice rinks
We support our customers in operating their facilities in a climate-neutral manner and offer appropriate compensation measures in order to make a valuable contribution to climate protection.
Energy consumption
Our main products - mobile and stationary ice rinks as well as solar systems for swimming pools - are characterized by different energy profiles. While our ice rinks consume energy, our solar systems generate energy sustainably.
In the 2022/2023 financial year, energy production was around 105 GWh, while our ice rinks consumed around 70 GWh. This enables us to achieve a positive energy balance with an energy surplus of around 35 GWh.
Glycol management
One focus of our environmental management is the safe storage and use of glycol as a coolant for mobile ice rinks. This is stored in stable, single-walled IBC containers that are correctly labeled in accordance with the CLP regulation. Emergency plans ensure that our employees and operators can react quickly and effectively in the event of a glycol leak. No incident was reported in the 2022/2023 financial year.
Glycol filter mixing plant
To ensure the efficiency and cleanliness of our coolants, we operate an automated filter and mixing plant. This removes rust and dirt particles and ensures the optimal mixing ratio.
The system is mobile and housed in a weatherproof 20' container and can be used flexibly at different locations.
Unfortunately, we were unable to record any improvement in the area of waste in the 2022/2023 financial year. Due to the disposal of rental items that no longer function, the amount of waste has more than doubled, especially construction site waste and scrap metal. Despite our efforts to continue using used rental items, this was not possible with the items that were disposed of.
During this period, we modernized our vehicle fleet and put an electric vehicle into operation for the first time. In addition, all new vehicles have lower fuel consumption, which helps reduce CO2 emissions. The number of our electric vehicles increased to three in the reporting year.
The protection of our employees is our highest priority. In the 2022/23 financial year, we updated the workplace evaluations and implemented additional measures, including the commissioning of a washing system for flat rental materials. This enables ergonomic working while reducing water consumption, which we continuously monitor.